Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tobuscus VS Nigahiga

This blog is going to be a battle of which YouTube poster is the BEST. For all of you who don't know what YouTube is I have this to say " WHAT THE ##$%#@@&^$@^&&#$%((()%@#%^@$%^%$". I don't know why I censored that out all I said was "what the muffin". Any way for all of the people who do know YouTube then you may know that these guys in the title are really funny YouTube posters. What I want to see is which is the best of all. Their is Tobuscus who is really great because he makes literals of video game trailers. Which is basically singing what the character is doing in the video game trailer. It's pretty funny for me in my opinion. Versing Tobuscus is Nigahiga. Nigahiga is also a great YouTube poster and he does a wide verity of funny stuff that's funny. It's kind of hard to describe. Also if there a another person who you think is funny or funnier you could leave the URL wep address in a comment. Please leave comments I'm so alone .So leave your comments of who is the best and I will  tell the winer next blog or the next blog before that just in case. So pick which is the best and good luck to both Nigahiga and Tobuscus. The question for the day is How can batteries die?    


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