Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter the deathly hallows part 2

As you may have guess I just saw the new Harry Potter film and it was great! I won't spoil it to you guys by telling you the ending. you are there right? Anyway the movie had action, drama, and a lot of spells. The movie in my opinion is 10 out of 10 and just to let you know i'm not a professional reviewer. Now since this is Harry Potter we are talking about I thought that there was going to be a massive line. But when we got there there was not a single soul waiting for Harry Potter and, we got great seats. WEARD. As we were leaving the theater we based by a person with a full on Harry Potter costume. So if your board this summer I highly suggests Harry Potter.    

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


yesterday was the forth of July!!!! And I went to see amazing fireworks in San Fran. Also four forth of July we had an amazing dinner it was hot dogs. Yeah how amazing is that. when we were going to the fireworks it was like a hoard of human zombies to feast on a lot big brainy nerds. The fireworks were great they even had a smiley face firework. You should send me pic's of your fourth of July and leave a comment to. Also in the last blog I would announce the winner of the best YouTube poster but their wasn't enough comments. but before I go I have this question if you had a snail that grant wishes what would you name it?